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20 Yorkshire Walks with only one map OL21

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20 Walks in the Yorkshire Dales with only one map OL2

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 Masongill and Tow Scar

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Masongill (SD 664754). Park in centre of Masongill

Ordnance Survey Map
OL2 Yorkshire Dales -  Southern and Western Areas.

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Note: If you use OS Maps on-line, you can download this route via this link.

Distance: 5.16 Miles Date of Walk: 2 March 2011


See Walking Time Calculator

912ft (278m)
913ft (278m)

Traffic light rating:   

(For explanation see My Walks page)

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Yorkshire Dales walk Mason Gill and Tow Scar - sketch map

To view route as a dynamic Ordnance Survey map click here.

Introduction: For anyone wanting a short walk to fill a morning or afternoon, this easy walk is ideal and for relatively minimal effort affords some spectacular views of limestone scenery,  Ingleborough and the Trough of Bowland. It can also be combined with the Three Men of Gragareth walk to make a longer expedition.

Tow Scar

The walk starts in the tranquil hamlet of Masongill. The approach roads are single track with no parking. The best place to park is in the centre where 3 roads come together by a phone box (sadly no longer with a phone) where the area is quite spacious. There is a handy bench next to the phone box for changing into boots.

Start: As you sit on the bench, the walk begins up the road facing you (Masongill Fell Lane). Proceed up this tarmac road. The road is effectively a service road for the Masongill Water Treatment works and at the works, it changes to a stony track (Turbary Road) (SD 676723). Pick up a stone and use it to help clarify a cairn further on (see below). There is a little alternative rough parking here but you would then have the ascent to this point at the end of your walk so parking in the hamlet is preferable in my opinion. Keep straight ahead on the stony track ignoring the similar track to the right.

On the left, you will spot a stone stile over the wall (SD 679767). Just for information, this is the point at which the Three Men of Gragareth walk joins this route. Ignore the stile and continue along the track, through the metal gate and up the hill which turns right at the top of the hill. As you turn right you will be rewarded with magnificent views of Ingleborough.

At the turn, the path steers briefly away from the wall you have been following and turns left. Just round this corner there may be signs of a track to the right used by farm vehicles. Ignore this and remain on the Turbary Road track.( If you are combining this walk with the Three Men of Gragareth, ignore the remainder of these instructions and continue along the Turbary Road picking up the instructions from the other walk).

The track soon  approaches the corner of two walls and passing this corner confirms you have not turned off too soon. You are looking for a grassy track on the right which can sometimes be easy to miss especially if you are deep in conversation and you need to concentrate here. About 100 yards beyond the corner of the wall, the track dips very slightly then rises again. These changes are very slight but important because at the bottom of the dip is the right turn for your route, on to a grassy track (SD 685768). A small cairn has been started and if you add the stone you have picked up earlier, you will help make the track more obvious for others!

The path descends gently and you will see a small hill on the left with a stone cairn on the top. It is worth making a small detour to this cairn to enjoy the view towards the Trough of Bowland across some interesting limestone pavement (SD 684763).

Stone Cairn

Rejoin the path which curves round the hill you have just climbed. You should spot the top of the Tow Scar trig. point peeping above the small hill to the right. Watch out for a faint path on the right which goes across to the trig. point (SD 685760).

Ingleborough from Trow gill

Descend from the trig. point back to the main track. It descends gently to a gate with Ingleton Quarry in the distance behind. Through the gate, ignore the faint track to the left and the small gate in the wall on the right and keep straight ahead. The path descends to the tarmac road through Kingsdale. Turn right at the road (SD 691756).

Keld Head Scar Kingsdale

Picnic Spot



At the next road junction, turn right again. At this junction, an impressive resting place has been created by Thornton-in-Lonsdale Parish Council with south facing benches and an orientation table.




Tobys Fold


Head along the road past the quite unusual BT communications mast. On the right you will see a small stone building bearing a plaque “Toby’s Fold”. This contains a red sandstone arch which was travelled by the artist Andy Goldsworthy along ancient drovers’ roads from Scotland.


               Sandstone Arch at Tobys Fold

The road turns sharp left. Just before the farm on the right, just after passing under some power lines look out for a finger post signing “Fellside”. (SD 681748) Cross the stile and proceed along the field with the stone wall on your left. After a hundred yards or so, cross another stile to your left and continue in the same direction, this time with the wall on your right. Cross a ladder stile and descend to a gate by a stream. Cross the stream and bear right to follow the line of the wall to a farm.

At the farm, go through the farmyard and exit by a gateway facing you, to the left by the barn. Keep to the right of the field and at the end cross the ladder stile. Cross another ladder stile and at the far end of the field, turn left to follow the hedge as indicated by a white on yellow footpath arrow (SD 671754).

Follow the hedge to the farm and turn left on the concrete lane and  immediately right by the barn. A kissing gate confirms the route.

Cross the large field which slopes slightly downwards and head for a stone cottage next to the far edge of the field. You will pass the splendid Masongill Hall on the right with its gleaming white trellis. The path passes to the left of the cottage where there is a narrow slit stile into the road. Turn right to return to your starting point.

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