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20 Yorkshire Walks with only one map OL21

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20 Walks in the Yorkshire Dales with only one map OL2

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 Three Men of Gragareth

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Roadside lay-by ( SD691757)

Ordnance Survey Map
OL2 Yorkshire Dales Southern and Western Areas.

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List of OS Maps


Note: If you use OS Maps on-line, you can download this route via this link.

Distance: 7.7miles Date of Walk: 10 November 2010


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498m (1632ft)
498m (1633ft)

Traffic light rating:   

(For explanation see My Walks page)

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Yorkshire Dales walk Three Men of Gragareth - sketch map

To view route as a dynamic Ordnance Survey map click here.

Introduction: This walk is a little unusual in that it follows no public footpaths marked on the OS map but it provides the most rewarding views of Ingleborough, The Lake District and Morecambe Bay. It is mostly a straightforward walk but there is one very steep section. It is not very long and does not get quite to the scrambling stage.

Start: Turn off the A65 near Ingleton into the hamlet of Thornton-in-Lonsdale. In the centre of the hamlet, take the road to Dent. After passing a road junction on the left, continue for a further 0.4 miles. There is a lay-by on the left. Park here and the route starts from the gate next to the lay-by (SD691757).


Follow the gently rising, winding but obvious path until it meets a wall at a broad stony track (SD 685768). This track is called Turbary Road on the OS map. Turn right (NE).

Continue along this track through 6 gates. Just after the sixth gate, the track bears slightly left on a northern heading and begins to rise slightly. At the next gateway (SD710790), turn sharply left and follow the right hand (northern) side of the wall (important). The path is not especially clear but you will see where others have walked as you ascend. You will see the steepest part of the walk ahead of you. Do not be daunted. Just take it steady.

Ridge Wall at Gragareth

Go over the stile in the stone wall at the top of the ridge (SD791796) and turn left to follow the wall for a short distance. Keep a look out on the right and you will see the concrete trig. point (SD 688793).

Trig point at Gragarath

From the trig. point, take the most prominent path in a westerly direction and you will soon see the large stone cairns. Although marked on the map as the Three Men of Gragareth, there actually seem to be 6 of them in two groups of three. Their history is unknown.  

The Three men of Gragareth

Lake District

The path from the cairns is indistinct but essentially, remain at the same level and follow the contour of the land curving in a southerly direction until you reach a wall. Depending on exactly where you hit this wall, you may have to climb it but turn left and follow it until it intersects another wall at 90 degrees. This wall follows the line of the ridge and you should turn right and follow it for a short distance until you reach a gateway. Pass through the gateway. The path the appears to follow the wall and it is in order to follow the wall for a while in a south westerly direction.  However, as the slope lessens, you need to head to the left  in a more southerly direction. If you reach a boggy section, you have gone too far! Follow the wall ahead of you until you see a stile (SD677772).

Over this stile and follow the obvious track in a SE direction until you reach another stile. (SD679766). Over this stile and you are on a broad stony track which becomes Turbary Road. Turn left and continue along this track. Pick up a small stone (see next paragraph).

The track soon  approaches the corner of two walls and passing this corner confirms you have not turned off too soon. You are looking for a grassy track on the right which can sometimes be easy to miss especially if you are deep in conversation and you need to concentrate here. About 100 yards beyond the corner of the wall, the track dips very slightly then rises again. These changes are very slight but important because at the bottom of the dip is the right turn for your route, on to a grassy track (SD 685768). A small cairn has been started and if you add the stone you have picked up earlier, you will help make the track more obvious for others!  

The return to the lay-by then retraces the same route which you used to start the walk.


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