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Oxenhope to Haworth

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Car park at Oxenhope Station (SE 033354)

Ordnance Survey Map
OL21 – South Pennines

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Distance: 8.1 miles Date of Walk: 25 November 2016


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437m (1432ft)
436m (1431ft)

Traffic light rating:   

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Oxenhope to Haworth walk sketch map

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Introduction: This walk from Oxenhope has many different facets to it. It includes excursions through Pennine mill towns, with impressive mill chimneys; Haworth, with an opportunity to dip your toe in the literary world at the museum about the famous Brontë sisters and a look at parts of the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway made famous by the film The Railway Children. The walk starts at Oxenhope Station and passes Oakworth and Haworth stations too. You will also get good moor land views, weather permitting. It was a somewhat dull day for much of this walk although it brightened up later.

Your chances of seeing any steam trains depend very much on the timing of your walk and you would be advised to check the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway website for the timetable if this is important to you.

Not far away on the moors is the famous Top Withens ruin which may (or may not) have been the inspiration for Wuthering Heights. This can be visited via my Brontë Waterfalls and Top Withens walk.

The walking is fairly easy on this route although after wet weather, it can be muddy in places.

There are plenty of refreshment opportunities in Haworth, which has an array of pubs and cafes. My favourite pub is The Fleece Inn down the main street and I can vouch for the quality of the food and beer (in 2016).

As stated above, the walk starts at Oxenhope railway station. To get there take the train! Alternatively, by car, turn off the A629 at Cross Roads on to the A6033, then right at the mini-roundabout in Oxenhope. Alternatively, you can turn off at Denholme on to the B6141 which eventually becomes Station Road in Oxenhope. From Calderdale, there is a spectacular drive over the moors via the A6033 from Hebden Bridge. Turn left at the mini-roundabout in Oxenhope. Parking is on street. There are car parks at the station but these are supposed to be for train users only!

Start: At the station car park entrance and with your back to it, and turn right. At the road junction, go right (effectively straight on). At the ‘T’ junction with Moorhouse Lane, turn left (Cross Lane).

Keighley and Worth Valley Railway - Oxenhope Station

Continue along the road, passing the school and at the junction with the A6033, turn right.

Pass the cricket club and the Bay Horse pub.

At the junction with Shaw Lane, turn right, following the road sign for Stanbury.

After about 100 yards on the left, follow the public footpath fingerpost (SE 030349), taking the narrow opening after the row of stone cottages.

The enclosed path soon opens into a field where you follow the left hand boundary. Views over Oxenhope open up behind you.

View over Oxenhope

At a three way fingerpost and continue straight up the lane, a direction not covered by any of the fingers.

At a ‘T’ junction with a broad track, turn right.

The track reduces to a narrow footpath and forks. Take the left path for the Calder Aire Link bridleway. More great views open up to the right.

Another view over Oxenhope

Reach a broad track and turn left along it, ignoring the small footpath off to the left.

When the track splits, take the right hand fork along by the wall. Continue to follow it as it becomes walled (SE 021345).

Come out at a broad track by a farm. Turn right and immediately past the farmhouse, turn left. The route then continues to the right of the gateway to the next farm.

Ancient barn with exterior steps

A few yards further on, the path turns right by a two way fingerpost confirming you are still on the Calder Aire Link.

Below you to the right is Leeshaw Reservoir, built in 1879.

Leeshaw Reservoir

You arrive at a very broad stony track (SE 011347). Turn right, down to the reservoir and follow the access track along in front of the dam to Lee Lane.

Sun on Haworth Moor

Not far past the dam, turn left to follow a public footpath fingerpost along what to begin with is a concrete section of track (SE 018353). Pass Westfield Farm and go through the walkers’ gate ahead.

Continue to a stone step stile where there is a three way fingerpost. Turn right for “Haworth 1¼  miles and Penistone Hill”.

You come out on the road at Westfield Lodge. Turn left and shortly right, indicated by a fingerpost “Penistone Hill and Haworth 1 mile” (SE 018362).

Follow the main track as it curves right passing an old quarry on the left. At the large car parking area, bear right to follow the path from the corner.

At the cricket club, keep to the left of the clubhouse and follow the path as it curves left around the end of the quarry but only for a few yards. When it divides, bear right away from the quarry, passing a few yards from a trig. point at SE 024367.

As you get to power lines, the track splits again. Take the left fork. Another old quarry is to the right (part water filled when I passed).

At a crossroads of paths, turn right and very quickly afterwards, fork left.

At the road, go straight across, following the fingerpost for “Haworth Village”.

The path drops down to meet another, where there is a three way fingerpost. Turn left for “Haworth ¼  mile”.

The path passes the church and exits in Haworth Main Street.

Haworth Church

Down Haworth Main Street

Top of Haworth Main Street

You have a range of options before continuing the walk.  You can turn left to visit The Parsonage, home to a museum dedicated to the Brontë sisters, or venture along Main Street for a wide choice of cafes, shops and pubs. I can recommend The Fleece pub, for both food and beer, down the street on the right.

The walk route continues, turning left as you exited on to the cobbles after the church then forking right along Changegate (SE 030373). Stay on Changegate across the junction, noting the notorious car park on the left. Better not to risk ever parking here, as it has a notorious reputation for merciless implementation of its rules, to the letter and has featured in TV consumer programmes.

Just as Changegate becomes Lords Lane SE 030375), turn right to follow the public footpath fingerpost. At one point it feels as though you are going through private back gardens but just keep straight ahead.

View to Oakworth

At a ‘T’ junction of paths, turn right and follow it past the terraced houses. At Victoria Avenue, turn left, then, at the more main road, turn right.

Just before a tall chimney, turn right following the public footpath sign for “Worth Way and Railway Children Walk”.

When the track splits, take the right fork and follow it to the road and turn right.

Autumn colours

Follow the road over the level crossing at Oakworth Station then round to the right.

Oakworth Station

At the second sharp left bend, take Mytholmes Lane ahead, passing Vale Fold Cottages.

Weir on Bridgehousae Beck         Ebor Mill Chimney

Very quickly, turn left following the fingerpost for “Ebor Lane” then follow the footpath along by the river, passing the magnificent Ebor Mill Chimney (SE 036376). Ebor Mill itself was destroyed by a devastating fire in August 2010.

Ebor Mill Chimney

Just past the chimney at the road, cross and turn left to walk along Ebor Lane. At the road junction, turn right, passing the Masonic Hall. Continue, past Haworth railway station, until you reach the junction with Brow Road. Turn left along it and almost immediately, turn right, before going up the hill, to follow a public footpath fingerpost for “Oxenhope”.

Just past some cottages turn right downhill to follow the yellow arrow.

Follow the path past the treatment plant, picking it up again through a kissing gate at the far side.

Continue to follow the path along by Bridgehouse Beck, ignoring any turns off, including over a packhorse bridge and you will arrive back at the car park.

Packhorse bridge over Bridgehouse Beck

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