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20 Yorkshire Walks with only one map OL21

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20 Walks in the Yorkshire Dales with only one map OL2

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Otley to Bramhope via Eccup (return to Otley via bus)

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Otley Bus Station SE203455 - Pay and Display cp Bridge St.

Ordnance Survey Map

OS Explorer 297 Lower Wharfedale & Washburn Valley.

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Distance:  10 miles

Traffic light rating:   

(For explanation see My Walks page)

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West Yorkshire walk Otley to Bramhope via Eccup - sketch map

To view route as a dynamic Ordnance Survey map click here.

Introduction: This is a useful walk after heavy snow/frosts on short winter days when you might not want to venture too far off the beaten track. The walk starts in Otley and finishes in Bramhope from where a bus can be caught back to your starting point. Alternatively, buses can be caught from Leeds to Otley then back from Bramhope to Leeds depending on where you live. There is a very good chance of seeing red kites.

The walk begins at Otley bus station (SE203455).

Start: Turn right out of the bus station and walk south along Crossgate to Bondgate (the B6451) and turn left. Follow this main  road along, round the right angle bend at the Junction pub and where the main road turns left, you turn left along Fairfax Street which becomes Croft Street then Lisker Drive. Continue along here until Lisker Drive does a right angle bend to the left and at this point, there is a rough track heading south east towards some trees. Head for these and make your way through the trees to the route of the old railway line.

Walk along the old railway line until you see a stile on the right (SE 220451). Climb the stile and follow the footpath to Caley Hall Farm (SE 231449). The path passes between the farm buildings. Remain on the footpath and at a fork, go left. You will come out on a road (Old Pool Bank) at SE 243447. Turn right along the road and after about 150 yards take a left turn at a finger post. Follow the path through the trees and at an old quarry, turn left.

The path shortly develops into a private road with some very expensive looking houses. This road exits into the A658. Cross to the other side and turn right. After 100 yards the road bends right and here is a small road to the left by an impressive double gabled house which you take. Follow this road. It briefly becomes a steep footpath through trees before emerging in Starcase Lane.

Follow Staircase Lane until just before it joins the main A660 and turn left down Hall Drive. The route along Staircase Lane and Hall drive passes some magnificent houses. Hall Drive becomes Creskeld Drive. Just past the junction with Hall Rise on the left is a finger post indicating a footpath which runs through some woods alongside a stream eventually passing a large quarry. Follow this until you reach a road. Turn right and in about 100 yards, turn left where indicated by another fingerpost along a broad lane.

Along this lane is the place where you are likely to see red kites in the sky.

At SE 281437 at Bank Side, leave the main track by a stile on the right heading south to follow the Dales Way Link. After a third of a mile the path turns 45 degrees west. At the next farm (Brookland Farm), the route to Bramhope turns right but if you fancy a brief detour to the New Inn at Eccup, which you will be able to see across the fields, turn left through a narrow stile through the stone wall. At the road, turn left to the pub.

We pick up the route back at Brooklands Farm at the stile in the wall. From here, walk in a westerly direction. The main track soon becomes just a footpath. Follow it straight on, keeping Lineham Farm on the right and ignore the broad track on the left.

At the road (SE 282429), turn briefly right then left on to another footpath. After about 350 yards, bear right at 45 degrees across a field for about another 350 yards.  The path here is not clear and you may have to negotiate a low fence over which you join another footpath, the Ebor Way at SE 267433. You will see the stile.

Follow the path until it reaches Breary Lane East (which becomes Breary Lane), a metalled cul-de-sac with yet more super houses. Follow this road to the main A660.

You now have to decide whether to catch the bus back to Otley or to divert to the Fox pub at Bramhope. To reach the pub, cross the A660 and continue along Breary Lane through Bramhope to reach the pub at the cross roads. Turning right at the pub will take you down Church Hill back to the A660 where a right turn will quickly reveal a bus-stop.

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