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Baildon Moor Circuit

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Car parking next to The Old Glen House pub, Glen Road, Baildon (SE 133389)

Ordnance Survey Map
OS 297 Lower Wharfedale and Washburn
OS 288 Bradford and Huddersfield

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Distance: 6.3 miles Date of Walk: 9 February 2018


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816ft (249m)
817ft (249m)

Traffic light rating:    Green Green Green

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Baildon Moor Circuit sketch map

To view route as a dynamic Ordnance Survey map click here.

Introduction: This is an easy circuit of Baildon Moor along mostly well defined paths. Along the way are good views across and along Airedale, as far as the Emley Moor transmitter mast and pleasant views towards Rombalds Moor. On a clear day, you should be able to make out the edge of the Peak District to the south, the Bronte Moors and Forest of Bowland in the west.

It begins along the top of the Shipley Glen ravine, with its millstone grit rocky outcrops, beloved of climbers.

You cross some well used horse gallops. These are well used, so you need to take care but the galloping steeds make for an interesting spectacle.

The walk starts from parking near to The Old Glen House pub at the edge of Shipley Glen. The easiest description to get there is to turn north off the A6038 Shipley to Guiseley road at traffic lights into Baildon on the B6151. Drive through the town, crossing the roundabout in the centre. The buildings stop and shortly after crossing a cattle grid, turn left along Bingley Road. After 1˝ miles, turn left on to Glen Road. Just over a mile along here you will come to the pub. There is roadside parking just before the pub, plus various alternative parking spots along the road before it.

The route covers a short section also included on my walk from Shipley to Ilkley. For other walks in the Baildon area, see West Yorkshire Walks.

Start: With the pub immediately behind you, turn left and walk along the footpath which runs alongside the road.

Rocks at the edge of Shipley Glen

Soon, the path divides and the left fork passes between two concrete pillars. Ignore this and keep straight on, parallel with the road.

Arrive at some irregular heaps and keep to the right of these. The road starts to peel away right.

View towards Pennines

At a fingerpost, keep straight ahead on to a narrower path which follows the course of Glovershaw Beck. Follow this path until it exits into a road via an awkward slit stile, just by the road sign for Eldwick. Cross straight over the road (SE 132406) and up the drive for Golcar Farm and Willowfield, following the bridleway fingerpost for “Dalesway Link” and “Millennium Way”.

At Golcar Farm, there are three paths (SE 133409). Left is the Dalesway Link and to the right a path over a wooden stile, neither of which you want! Keep straight ahead on the middle path (Millennium Way) to a stile by a gate.

View towards Baildon Moor

View towards the Pennines

Cross the stile and follow the direction arrows for the Welcome Way and Dales Highway, to the diagonally opposite corner of the field. Cross a stile and turn left to follow the boundary wall to the gate.

View towards Yeadon

Beyond the gate are the horse gallops. Cross the gallop then keep to the path on the grass which runs alongside the left hand side of the gallop opposite. Do not walk on the gallop itself.

Cross over a stretch of the gallop and again, keep to the path along the left hand side of the section ahead.

The path then crosses the gallop one last time before entering a walled lane (SE 135414). There is a short stretch of tarmac before this bends left. As it does, turn off the tarmac (effectively straight on) along a rougher surface.

This is Birch Close Lane (which becomes Sconce Lane).

Continue along this lane for a mile, bending right, past Faweather Grange. Keep a look out for the Aire Valley scout hut on the right. This is easily identifiable as a single storey, bland, pale brick building with meshed windows. (SE 147412). The lawned area outside had picnic tables when I passed. Go through the slit stile by the scout hut and along the footpath opposite.

Scout hut on Sconce Lane

You quickly join another path. Turn left across the moor.

Waterfall just after leaving scout hut

Crossing Baildon Moor

Looking back towards Hawksworth

As the path gets close to the road, take a right fork climbing the bank ahead (SE 152406).

At the top of the bank, cross another path and keep straight ahead.

View over Low Springs

Emley Moor transmitter

In quick succession, cross a second path and a broad grassy track, again keeping straight ahead. Before you are the outskirts of Baildon.

At the next path, turn left.

On reaching the road, turn right to follow the path alongside it (SE 153401).

As the path runs out, cross the road and proceed up the broad track opposite, running at right angles to the road. When this track turns right into the golf course, keep ahead on the narrower path.

Cross another path, keeping straight ahead.

The path runs along the back of the houses. When it turns left, go with it, following the wall (SE 145401)

On meeting another well worn footpath at a cross-road of paths, turn left.

Continue to a two way fingerpost. Turn right following the wall and the direction of the public bridleway fingerpost (SE 141397).

When the wall stops, keep straight ahead, ignoring the path to the left and head for the far corner of the caravan site, crossing its access track.

At the corner of the site, turn left (SE 138401).

Drop down to a road and cross over, taking the path to the next road. Turn left to follow the path used on the outward journey, back to the car.

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