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 Mam Tor Circuit

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Hope village - SK171835 - Parking in small pay & display cp.

Ordnance Survey Map
OL1 The Peak District – Dark Peak Area.

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Distance: 8 Miles Date of Walk: 17 October 2010


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1597ft (487m)
1599ft (487m)

Traffic light rating:   

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Derbyshire Peak District walk Mam Tor Circuit - sketch map

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Mam Tor

Introduction: A  popular walk straightforward over the ridge above Castleton, taking in Lose Hill (or Wards Piece, named in honour of George Herbert Bridges Ward who pioneered rambling, forming the first rambling club in Britain and worked assiduously for the rambling rights we know today ), Mam Tor, and Castleton itself where a welcome pint can be had.

Start the walk in the village of Hope (SK171835) where there is a pay and display car park opposite Hope Garage.

Start: Turn right out of the car park and take the left turn on the road to Edale alongside the Old Hall hotel. Walk along this road until you see the road on the right signposted Hope Cemetery. Just opposite this junction on the left is a narrow stone stile and finger post. Take this path (SK171839).

Follow this path just past the farm buildings where there is a “crossroads” of paths with a four way finger post. Turn right. Follow this path straight ahead and over the railway. Continue straight on ignoring two footpaths on the left in a north westerly direction, passing an old barn then stay on the right hand side of the wall past Losehill Farm (SK159847). Back Tor

The clear path now rises to Lose Hill itself (476 metres/1562ft) (SK153854) where a round orientation table marks the  summit. Views stretch out before you of Edale and Kinder Scout. Head left (westwards) following the paved path. After going over Back Tor (SK145850) be sure to look back to appreciate the view of its precipice.

The path now continues via Hollins Cross to Mam Tor itself with its trig. point (517 metres/1696 ft) (SK128836) and stone flagged area with interesting art inset. Here there are magnificent views of the Hope Valley with its prominent cement factory and Castleton.

Descend down the obvious path to the road, turn left and take the path on the left. Cross one field to another road, the A6187 (SK126831). Across the road you will see a gate and finger post. Go through this gate. Almost immediately the path forks and you want the left fork. Follow the path across to the B6061 and go straight across through another gate. Follow this path to the first farm you come to Winnats Head Farm. The path passes to the left  (North) of the farm but at the farm, turn left (North). This track may not be too clear and it heads to the Blue John Cavern.

Pass in front of the cavern buildings and immediately opposite is a small gate. Go through it and follow the footpath which curves round to Treak Cliff Cavern. Descend the path from Treak Cliff  to the road. Follow the main road through the centre of Castleton.

As you are leaving Castleton, watch out for a green metal sign on the right “Public Footpath to Hope” (SK154831) indicating a broad track. Follow this track which eventually  becomes a normal and well walked footpath following the course of Peakshole Water. Cross the railway and continue until you reach a country lane. Turn left and it will take you into Hope.

Summit of Mam Tor

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