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Beacon Hill

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

National Trust Car Park West Runton and Beeston Regis Heath (TG 184414)

Ordnance Survey Map
OS Explorer 252 – Norfolk Coast East.

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Distance: 2  miles Date of Walk: 21 May 2023


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229ft (70m)
229ft 70(m)

Traffic light rating:    Green

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Beacon Hill walk Sketch map.

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Introduction: At a mere 344ft (105m), Beacon Hill, also known as Roman Camp is the highest point in Norfolk, which was my main reason for visiting it! The hill and surrounding woodland belong to the National Trust.

The walk itself is a short, easy stroll through pleasant deciduous woodland which I imagine is very attractive in autumn.

The hill is part of the Cromer Ridge, a ridge of glacial moraines marking the edge of the ice sheet from the last Ice Age. There are records of it being used as a beacon certainly to the 1600s.

At the summit of Beacon Hill, which is just at the back of the car park, is clear evidence of earthworks. Archaeology has unearthed evidence of Iron Age occupation but the main occupancy was Roman.

The walk starts from the National Trust Car Park West Runton and Beeston Regis Heath, directly opposite the Roman Camp caravan park. To get there from the A148, turn north, down Sandy Lane at Aylmerton. It is distinguishable by being marked with blue signs as as “Unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles”. The car park is down a rough lane to the left after half a mile. It is marked with a National Trust sign for West Runton and Beeston Regis Heath.

From the A149, turn south at West Runton on Station Road. The parking will be off to the right after a mile. Look out for the National Trust sign.

Start: From the car park, exit and turn right along the broad track. You will some to a clearing with a ‘knobbly’ stone cairn (a bit reminiscent of a Dalek!) and a post with lots of waymark arrows. There is also a National Trust sign warning of ground nesting birds and adders!

Beacon Hill itself.

View out to sea from Beacom Hill.

The path into the woods.

The 'Dalek' cairn.

Take the path just to the right of the arrows (TG 179416). The path soon becomes like a sunken lane.

Path down a sunken lane.

Follow the path for just over a quarter of a mile. It descends to the edge of the trees from where there is a nice view of the sea, to join another footpath at a ‘T’ junction. On a clear day, you can see an offshore wind farm (probably Sherringham Shoal). Turn right to follow the path along the edge of the trees.

The view out to sea from the viewpoint.

Windmills at sea.

Continue following the path until you reach a road. Turn right and within about fifty yards, turn left on to a footpath indicated by a public footpath fingerpost and a National Trust sign for “Town Hill leading to John Idiens Wood”.

Bluebells en route.

Ignore some steps on the left after a few yards.

Pass another National Trust sign for “John Idien’s Wood, part of Fair Lady Plantation”.

The path drops down to meet a broad track (TG 188418) turn right.

Follow this track to the road and cross straight across to return to the parking area.

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