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 Arnside Knott Walk

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Free seafront car parking at Arnside (SD 454786)

Ordnance Survey Map
OL7 The English Lakes - South-Eastern Area.

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Distance: 4.9 miles Date of Walk: 27 April 2012


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228m (748ft)
227m (743ft)

Traffic light rating:    Green symbol Green symbol

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Cumbria walk, Arnside Knott sketch map

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Introduction: This is a pleasant short stroll around the coast in an almost forgotten corner of Cumbria and over Arnside Knott, a low hill behind Arnside village. What is surprising, is the extensive view from its summit, a very profitable return on a relatively small effort investment.

The beach part of the walk is a real wide open spaces experience but a word of warning. There are various signs warning of fast rising tides, quicksands and hidden channels. They also advise that warning sirens will sound to warn of the approaching tide. The route described is safe (I survived!) as long as the warnings are heeded and if the speed of a tide justifies a siren, it needs to be respected!

The walk starts from the promenade road where there is free parking (SD 454786).

Refreshment possibilities are at Bobs Cafe at New Burns and pubs at Arnside on return.

To get to Arnside, turn west off the A6 at Milnthorpe (north of Carnforth) and simply follow the B5282.

Start: Facing the beach, turn left and walk along the promenade. As you reach the end of the road, follow the green sign indicating “Footpath to New Barns Bay”. The route runs along the back of the beach on a concrete path. Also, pass a fingerpost for New Barns. The town of Grange over Sands is across the beach and it looks as though you could stroll across when the tide is out – but don’t try!!!

Milnthorpe Sands from Arnside

View towards Grange over Sands

You approach an area of grassed over mud (SD 444779), which sounds uglier than it is. The path runs around the back of this and there is a sign for the “Bob In Cafe” which is at New Barns, the small collection of buildings across the grassy area (SD 442778).

On reaching New Barns, there is a three way finger post. Assuming the tide is favourable, take the route to Blackstone Point, otherwise take the alternative route to Whitecreek and Far Arnside. This alternative route runs to the landward side of Frith Wood and rejoins the coastal path at Arnside Point.

Blackstone Point

Blackstone Point

Blackstone Point cliffs

After rounding Blackstone Point (SD 437776), there is a small bay. Depending on the state of the tide you can either walk along the beach or there is a clear footpath along the low cliffs. Assuming the beach route (as I did), there is a convenient natural rock ramp at the far side of the bay to climb to the cliff top route. It is recommended to leave the beach at this point.

Walk along the clear cliff path, rounding Park Point (SD 438767) until you get to the residential caravans. Take the main tarmac road through the caravan park following the public bridleway fingerpost for Far Arnside.

Walk through the hamlet of far Arnside and turn left off the road at the three way green fingerpost for “Arnside via the Knott” (SD 438767).

The fenced footpath takes you to a stone slit stile by another caravan site. Turn left following the public footpath fingerpost for Arnside (SD 451764).

You enter the national Trust area of Heathwaite. Follow the obvious climbing track. Glimpses of the distinctive shape of Ingleborough in the Yorkshire Dales appear in the distance.



View towards silverdale

You arrive at a four way fingerpost. Go through the walkers’ gate next to it and go straight ahead, following the direction for “Arnside Knott”. When the track forks, go right. Views to the Lake District hills start to unfold. Keep ahead on the main climbing track ignoring any turns off.

View from Arnside Knott


Ingleborough from Arnside Knott

Arnside Knott Trig Point

The main track misses the trig. point but if you want to find it, just as you approach a bench comprising a seat between stone pillars, bear right on a grassy track. The white trig point is to the left after 100 yards or so (SD 456775).

Return to the main track. It forks at a walkers’ gate. Ignore the right hand fork following the wall and turn left through the gate. Descend the field to its bottom right hand corner. Go through the gate into the woods and turn left.

At the road, turn left and follow it as it curves right. At the road junction, turn left and walk along the road until you see a “no through road” on the right. It displays no name but there is a fingerpost indicating a public footpath to the Promenade. Follow the road downhill then the narrow footpath at its end. It brings you to the concrete path along the foreshore where you started. Turn right back to Arnside.





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