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LLyn Crafnant and Llyn Geirionydd

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Llyn Geirionydd free car park (SH 763605)

Ordnance Survey Map
OL 17 Snowdon – Conwy Valley.

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Distance: 5.5 miles Date of Walk: 11 September 2022


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1006ft (307m)
1004ft (307m)

Traffic light rating:    Green

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LLyn Crainant and Llyn Geirionydd walk sketch map.

To view route as a dynamic Ordnance Survey map click here.

Introduction: This walk follows the western boundaries of  LLyn Crafnant and Llyn Geirionydd (LLyn meaning a lake in Welsh).

Llyn Geirionydd is a popular lake, not least because it has a large car park and is frequented by picnickers, wild swimmers, paddle boarders, canoeists and water skiers. Until the late 1800s, the area was a derelict industrial wasteland, as a result of lead mining, though you would not guess to see it now.

At the northern end of the lake, there is a monument, erected in 1850, to the 6th Century Welsh poet Taliesin. He is said top have lived by the lake and indeed to have been born and be buried there. The inscription reads “This monument was erected by Lord Willoughby d’Eresby circa 1850 to commemorate the reputed birthplace of Taliesin Chief Bard of the 6th century on the shore of Llyn Geirionydd. The arwesr of Gwilym Cowlyd was held here between 1863-1922. The column was destroyed in a 1976 storm and re-erected in 1994.'

LLyn Crafnant is a much quieter and in my opinion more beautiful lake, with a dramatic rocky ridge at its south-western end, with the prominent peaks of Craig Wen and Crimpiau. It is a popular fishing spot, stocked with brown and rainbow trout. There is a monument at its NE end, which I mention as a turning marker. Its inscription reads “Erected by the inhabitants of Llanrwst to commemorate the gift to that town, of this lake with 19 acres of land and Llnllwyd Cottage by Richard James Esq. Dyffryn Au Llanrwst A.D. 1896”.

LLyn Crafnant and Llyn Geirionydd are separated by Mynydd Deulyn (Mynydd meaning mountain and Deulyn two lakes). The walk route circles its northern flank. On this section, you will pass the remains of Clogwyn y Fuwch Slate Quarry. It was worked by a William Turner from the north on England who brought mining knowhow used in the Lake District. There is ample evidence of spoil heaps, a quarry building and the route passes by one of the mine entrances.

Mynydd Deulyn is crossed on the return but it is a fairly easy ascent to only around a thousand feet (300m).

The journey to the start at Llyn Geirionydd is something of an adventure in itself. Be prepared for narrow roads and backing up! The route I used is from Trefriw, on the B5106 near Llanwrst. The best advice I can give is to take the road signed for Llanrhychwyn and thereafter, follow the signs for Llyn Geirionydd. It is quite well signposted. Better still, use sat. nav!

Start: From the car park turn left along the road (SH 763605). When you get to the forest park sign, turn right along the broad track. At this point you are following a blue arrow and footprint signs.

Looking along Llyn Geirionydd from the south western end.

As the track turns left into the trees, you turn right over a stile now following a yellow footpath arrow (SH 760604).

You come to a post with a yellow arrow, indicating left (SH 761605). Follow this path and do not be tempted by the path directly along the lakeshore. It is virtually impassable!

Follow the path to the end of the lake. There is a small rocky crag which you have to climb over but it is not too difficult. At the end of the lake, there is quite a steep descent through trees. Continue to follow the yellow arrows until just past a stone barn, you join a track at a ‘T’ junction. Turn left, again following the direction of the arrow.

Looking along Llyn Geirionydd from the north eastern end.

The path soon turns right to pass the Taliesin monument.

The Taliesin monument.

Follow the obvious path marked with yellow arrows to a step stile. Cross it and at the cross roads of paths, turn right.

Pass ruins of Clogwyn y Fuwch Slate Quarry at SH 760619.

Ruined building at Clogwyn y Fuwch Slate Quarry.

A mine entrance at Clogwyn y Fuwch Slate Quarry.

Shortly after the mine, you arrive at an open, gravelled area. The onward route is at the far side; the right hand of the two tracks.

The track drops down to a car parking area. Turn left here and walk along the road for about a quarter of a mile, ignoring arrows off into the trees. Continue along the road until you reach the start of Lake Grafnant and turn right just before the monument (SH 754616).

Monument at Llyn Crafnant.

Follow the easy lakeside path, anti clockwise round the lake, along the broad stony track, guided by the yellow arrows. The marked route continues some distance beyond the end of the lake, curving left, until you reach a ‘T’ junction. Turn left here, through the gate to follow the road (SH740603).

Waterfall by Llyn Crafnant.



Continue past the Cornel Scout Centre on the left. At the next building on the left, take the footpath off to the right (SH 749606).

Follow the obvious stony path. After crossing a shallow stream, turn sharply right, opposite a ladder stile (SH 751607).

The path crosses over and descends the summit ridge to join a broad stony track. Turn right. You will soon see some blue arrows. Follow the ones to the right.

View back from Mynydd Deulin on the return.

At the next junction of tracks, where there is a cattle grid on the right, keep left, again following the direction of a blue arrow.

At the next junction, turn right, again following a blue arrow.

You reach a fork in the track, keep left. The track leads back to Lake Geirionydd, where you retrace your steps back to the car park.

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